Welcome to my blog and thank you for stopping in!
My name is Mooxie and I'm an eco-spiritual artist, channeler, energy worker and teacher. This blog is an extension of my journey to spread light, healing and self-mastery through my art and many other modalities. I want to use this platform to provide more in-depth meaning, personal reflection and others' experiences relating to each of my paintings and projects, as well as share more of my personal awakening journey as we shift forward as a collective.
A little bit about my journey:
I've been an artist my whole life, but I have a few major moments I mark as turning points that have aligned me to where I am today. The first was in 2004 when I was 15 and made my first shift towards taking commissions online as I started to work with Photoshop & digital art for the first time. As part of an online community, I was encouraged and supported to join in. This experience gave me a reason to practice and hone my skills. At 19, I spent a year at Ringling College of Art + Design which dramatically pushed my skills further. Then the economic crashed happened.
My life got turned upside down in every way possible - but all for the long-term good. I moved around for a while until I fully settled in rural SWFL. This was the game-changer. All of a sudden in 2010, I created my initial spiritual painting based on a vague vision I had floating in my head. I had barely used acrylic paint before and wasn't particularly spiritual in a conscious sense, but I felt the urge to create. It wouldn't be until 2013 that I would truly start creating my visions - and not stop. I found my first love that year and a new part of myself, which fueled at least one painting a year. But I still had trauma to work through.
In 2016, as I was beginning to consciously choose my spiritual journey with a meditation community at FGCU, I experienced more traumatic changes that hit me to my core. At that point, meditation was my only option. My only way to stay functional. I was halfway towards my degree and I wasn't going to quit. My community supported me towards healing and in the process I learned how to facilitate that same healing and community support for future generations.
From 2017-2020, a friend from this community attuned me to Reiki as I stepped into the clarity that I had always been an empathic energy worker. To channel reiki energy, one must clear out personal blocks and embrace unconditional love and healing for others. Holding onto pains of the past, no matter how deeply hidden, was not an option. These years of practice tuned me into more of my own personal magick. I was no longer meditating to just manage daily emotions, but instead to attune to my magickal potential.
In 2019, another friend from that same community invited me to come sell my art at a local market pop-up she organized. For as confident as I was with things I knew well, I was often terrified of new experiences where I could make mistakes. She held space for me and encouraged me to take that initial leap - a leap that has put me where I am today as an entrepreneur. Having people who connect with and purchase my art has been a great inspiration towards continuing to create. However, this wasn't my only catalyst.
In 2019, at the age of 30, I reached a new level of spiritual awakening through a series of activations - much of which was related to unwanted contact from spirits. I became much more aware of darker energies visiting me, which meant I had to learn how to protect my energy and personal space. For as scary as it sounds, it was only an initial fear followed by a growing strength of will. I've learned how to navigate working with energies wherever I go, discerning while listening to my intuition, and face my fears in many forms.
Now in 2023, I create and live from a very spiritually connected space where everything is intertwined. Real life and energetics are one. Spirits are everywhere. New people are always waking up to their own sensitivities and I am there to guide them with personal experience. My art business puts me out in the public eye and those who are spiritually awakening are drawn in to the feeling my art stirs in their soul. Each piece offers a different energy and message to work with to support people on their journey to self mastery. Our environment feedbacks into our subconscious, so we often must change our environment to reflect where we want to direct our subconscious. Art can help.
I'm sure this is not the end of my journey for now. As of now, I have just moved through another expansion of my empathic sensitivity to energy. I'm always excited about the future growth even when I move through darker healing periods. I know they are all necessary in order to channel greater levels of love and divine truth. Thankyou for taking the time to read about my journey. I hope you'll stick around to see more of it unfold through the continuous progression of my art.
If you are going through anything similar or would like to connect, please drop a comment below!
Much Love
- Mooxie