Spiritual Art Business Vlog

After a long period of pondering, I finally jumped into making my first vlog video about my current progress with my spiritual art business, MooxieArt. I had lots of ideas of how I wanted to create and release content for YouTube, but I found myself stuck in analysis paralysis. In the end, I tried to take a laid back and more personal approach for this video with the thinking that content that's easier to create would allow for more consistency in posting. However, I ended up adding in edits that consumed at least 4-5 hours of my day, so I'm not so sure about that.

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In this video, I talk about progress with my Kickstarter campaign for my Eco Fem Fantasy Oracle Deck, my thoughts on content creation, how I balance slow business periods with continued progress, and how everything relates to the internal spiritual growth journey I've been on up to this point.

If you're interested in getting to know me a bit more personally through long form content, I would appreciate any views of my social media content. The video is only 12 minutes long and I keep it fun and entertaining with relevant short clips, gifs, stickers and memes throughout.

I look forward to posting more art, nature and oracle deck content in the future - so make sure to subscribe to keep up to date on all my newest creations.

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