Spiritual Consciousness in Dark Times

It is said that peace that is not tested is not truly peace. To be able to sit in meditation in a perfectly quiet secluded area is not the true goal of a meditation practice. In truth, it is what happens after and what we take with us when we enter chaotic places and moments of our life. Does that peace remain when it is tested and pushed to its limits? What truth arises within when it does? Realizations of the self only help us further solidify that peace when we can face our discomfort and process a deeper understanding of our existence in this world.

It has been apparent for anyone who's awake and watching that the world has been shifting towards a deeper darkness coming to the surface. For some, this may seem like a sudden and solitary creation of this darkness, but it has existed for a long time. This moment in time seems so stunning because that darkness no longer feels the need to hide or play games of illusion. Instead, it stands before us all proudly and yet there are those who still refuse to see. Even so, this is the process of mass spiritual awakening. Large scale events slowly shift the collective into greater awareness. Some of us will undoubtedly take longer than others to process through their programming and trauma to come to similar conclusions. Others may come to similar conclusions, but still seek to justify it alongside their past beliefs. We will continue to move through difficulties as a collective until enough people are ready to step into their light and denounce the shadows.

Light Among Shadows Art Print

Where does that leave the rest of us who are set on living a life full of light and hope? We can not simply bypass the destruction and pain others experience. Neither can we become so burdened by the pain and trauma that we are pulled from our path. We still have a purpose on this earth and a mission to complete. These are the times where we are needed the most. To stand in our strength and light as a beacon of hope when others feel lost. To face the truth of reality and build a better world rather than feign ignorance. We do not have to stay quiet and joyous to be in our light. Our light can be a fire than scares away the shadows. Now is the time we test all that we have learned.

No matter how far we have come, we always have more to grow into. Ascension is a never ending journey and complacency is its only limitation. We can choose to find the middle ground where we both walk through the shadows but are not consumed by them. In living this truth, we set an example for others to follow. We meet people where they are on their spiritual journey and lend a helping hand. We allow Spirit to guide us to those we are meant to meet. We are lightworkers, starseeds, mystics and channelers here to bridge the gap between realms. This moment in time is as important as ever.

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1 comment

Spoken with elegance and grace! Love this so much sister! The light will sign the brightest in the darkest times. 🔥👁️‍🗨️

Candy Mccurry

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